Monday, 1 January 2007

So Another

year flies by.   Myself, Ingunn, Jon, Rob and Sarah saw New Years eve in on Shark island

As usual, the harbour firework display was breath-taking, the theme this year being a coathanger and diamond (representing the 75th anniversary of the harbour bridge).  Rain was forecast, but held off and we had a top night.  The ferry dropped us back off at Rose Bay, so getting back took awhile, and I remember rolling back home around 3.30 this morning. 


Found out this morning that my bike has been stolen, not the start to the year i was hoping for, however Ingunn & I got engaged whilst we were in Vanuatu, so i'm still well chuffed about that, but that's another post..  Good luck for the year ahead everyone, who knows what it has in store.


New Years resolutions:

  • Learn to play the saxaphone
  • Buy some property

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