Saturday, 27 November 2010

More Jessica

Day 28, although due-date is actually 8 days away. We’re off for a stroll to the hospital this afternoon to weigh her and have a chat with the nurses at the special-care unit. They are the fountain of premature-baby knowledge and I always come away with full of tips and tricks to try out.

Update: 2.64kg; exceeding expectations.

All of these were taken today.


On the beach with the mobile bed

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Jessica Elise

Born in Sydney,  Sunday 31st October 2010 : 14:21pm; 1975g, 46cm. 

Jessica Elise Goodman

She arrived 5 1/2 weeks earlier than expected so is currently in special new born section at hospital but doing very well.  More to follow.