Monday, 29 January 2007

Another year, another decade

Last Friday i turned 30.

I remember when that number seemed enormous, an eternity away.  Back then i was certain that i'd have life tied up by now, running my own company and driving a ferrari.  Jay-Z rekons 30 is the new 20 in his song 30 something, let's hope so and it isn't just another year closer to death. One thing is for sure though, life down here in Australia definitely makes the years fly-by.

So, here;s a summary of the last few days (only a summary as i'm learning to touch type so this is taking me absolutely ages to bang out).


Ingunn and I went to see Roger Waters play on the 25th.  Wasn't the same without Dave Gilmour doing crazy rifts on his fender, but still one hell of a show, with floating pigs and an entire renditon of Darkside of the moon.


As a birthday present on Friday (26th), we went on a sea plane over the northern beaches for a picnic at cottage point beach.  










That evening we met up with some friends and overdosed on bbq ribs hurricanes grill in Bondi.


And.. not one of mine, but i like it:


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