Saturday, 27 May 2006

Chicken or egg

Been doing abit of reading this week: Ultra Marathon Man,  Confessions of an AllNight Runner, which is the jaw-dropping life story of Dean Karnazes, truly inspirational and well worth a read;  The Ring by Stephen Baxter, very hard sci-fi; and i'm just starting Every Second Counts - Lance Armstrong's story.

Apparently the old problem of the chicken and the egg, [which came first], has finally been solved by scientists and philosophers.  The egg.

I've always thought this one was a question of science vs. religion... If the egg came first, then clearly the chicken came from evolution (an animal like a chicken laid an egg that then became a chicken). However, if the chicken came first (scientifically impossible) then it was because made the chicken suddenly appear on the planet. So just wait for the ID people to refute this claim...


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