- It is physically impossible to lick your elbow
- A shrimp's heart is in it's head
- On average women blink nearly twice as much as men
- The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest
tongue twister in the English language
Thursday 25 October 2007
Wednesday 24 October 2007
Surfs Up
Decided that Iam ready for a smaller surfboard, so have traded in the old one. It (the old) was 7' 6'', and abit cumbersome. Was great for learning on, once on a wave you could stay up on it, but awkward to maneuver in the water, and getting to and from the beach. Paddling out through the breaks was very difficult too due to the shape and inability to dive under waves. So I got a smaller 6'6'' board.
The pointed nose and smaller surface area means getting out through the breaking waves is much easier now, however, it is has far less balance. You have to be going quite fast for the board to become at all stable, but can turn alot more. So far it has been quite challenging on the new board, it has been like learning to surf all over again infact, but think I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Perseverance is definitely needed with surfing.
For inspiration i'm reading "High Surf" by Tim Collins.
"Leading surf journalist Tim Baker has profiled the surfing world's most inspiring characters, encountered over two decades of surf writing, to highlight the life lessons and boundless inspiration to be gained from a lifestyle built around waveriding. From salty old surf legends to modern pro–surf stars, to surfers from all walks of life –– writers, musicians, aid workers, ethicists –– the common theme in all these surfers' lives is how their personal journeys have been shaped and informed by their experiences in the ocean."
It started off a bit "surfing is all about finding waves of energy in ocean and earth" hippy crap, but after awhile becomes an excellent collection of short stories from some the greatest surf legends, and a good history lesson in it (surfing).
What else have been up to? Not much. Ingunn and I are spending a week in Byron Bay over Christmas. Still trying to decide on the wedding, very difficult to do anything from here.
Sunday 14 October 2007
South West Rocks & Hawkesbury
Cave diving in shark infested water, a great 3 days .
See more pictures here
A relaxing weekend at the Hawkesbury. I caught 1 fish, Ingunn got 3. How come this always happens?
Looking forward to England's match against South Africa in the Rugby World Cup next weekend. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?