Monday, 3 September 2007


This week Sydney is hosting the APEC summit. I'm not actually sure what the summit is about, but as 21 world leaders are going to be in the city at one time, the police army, navy seem to be involved in some enormous security operation.  There are 8ft high seclusion barriers all around the CBD, lots of men in black suits wandering around Martin Place, and over the last week or two, black hawk helicopters have been buzzing around the cbd practising for goodness knows what.  Seems like totally unnecessary overkill to me, i'm just wondering why they forgot to dig trenches and put barbed wire on the top of the fences.

Friday is the day the George Bush actually arrives, so Sydney has been given another public holiday.  Can't complain about that i guess.

Friendly 8ft barriers

Our wedding plans are progressing, a time and place has been set: 28th June next year in Drammen Norway.  Here infact, at the Spirallen.  Seems a long way off, and anyone would think we are organised.  Ha!

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